March 25, 2016
We've been spending the last couple of
bringing this web site up to date.
It was orginally built to be graphic rich
and include lots of audio, but so many
of these neat features had ceased to work
on newer browsers.
Now they do, and we have tested everything
in Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox.
While we were at it, we added some new
content as well.
Here is a summary of all the
fixes/changes: |
Many different fonts display
throughout the site |
Music and sounds can be heard on
most pages |
and many are newer, cleaner audio
files |
All of Greg's music pages now have
MP3 |
snippets - a random selection will play when
you click on an image |
A new Neil Young page was added to
Greg's |
Music section |
Photos on Greg's Beatles and Pink
Floyd pages |
are bigger and we added lots of
new photos and some animations |
Photos on Ambo's Animals and
Sunrise/Sunset |
pages are bigger and we added lots
of new photos (also some neat
animations) |
The Quotes page sounds now work
(just click on |
the speaker beside a quote to hear
it) |
Greg's Poker Blog is now part of this
(used |
to be on Blogger) |
New backgrounds and animations were
to |
Ambo's Passing Thoughts and Lyrics
pages |
December 28, 2015
We don't get around to doing this as much
as we used to,
and trying to remember what has happened
our last update is quite the daunting
Mynx was diagnosed with hyper-thyroidism,
and could not tolerate the oral
so she had the radioactive iodine
treatment known as I131.
That meant 4 days in quarantine,
which was really the worst part.
She was a real trooper,
but Ambo was a nervous wreck the whole
Ambo got heart stoppingly close to Robert
Downey Jr.
when he came to Sacramento to be inducted
into the California Hall of Fame.
It was totally worth the 3 hour wait!
here to
view her video.
Greg vacations in the Victoria, BC area
for one week every year in July.
Other than that, we are just counting down
the years until we can retire.
Here's hoping that 2016 brings us all
health and happiness.
By the way, OpalZephyr is now part of
Ambo's Realm. Check it out
May 16, 2014
It's hard to believe that we have not
this site in almost 2 years.
Unfortunately, the most important event in
those 2 years
was the death of our little Burmese,
It seems that very shortly after Symka's
Brandi took on the mantle of the "old
lady" very quickly.
She was a tough little girl, but
disease got the best of her.
We let her go very peacefully on March
5th, 2014.
Like all of her sisters before her,
she left us with very heavy hearts.
Our feline family is now down to four,
and we know we will have to say goodbye
to each of them in turn, which makes us
very sad.
But they all fill our lives with such love
and bliss
that we consider ourselves very fortunate
to have known each and every one of them.
Click here to
view Brandi's page.
Click on the link above for our latest photos.
July 13, 2012
We said goodbye to our angel Symka on July
We felt she had been brave for long
It is the hardest decision we ever have to
She was the sweetest, most good-natured
we have ever had the pleasure to know.
We like to think she is cavorting with
Isis now.
Click here to
view Symka's page.